Monday, October 6, 2008


Walk location: neighborhood
Walk time: early morning
Skies: dark
Temperature: 65 degrees
iPod: This American Life (National Public Radio)
Steps: 2,500

I am told that in British-influenced countries "unwell" describes a feeling of illness. While we might say "sick," some say "unwell." I woke up this morning feeling unwell and debated in the warmth of my bed what is the nature of my sickness. Because of a ridiculous schedule on Saturday and Sunday (lots of sitting time and little opportunity to walk) I am embarrassed to say that on neither day did my walking total more than 3,000 steps. When my goal is at least 10,000 steps a day, it's been a disappointing weekend. Too much sitting time, coupled with unhealthy food have resulted in my malaise. Although I've never been a drinker, I wonder whether my feeling this morning is akin to Monday morning for the weekend binge drinker. Headache, upset stomach, weariness, irritability.

By 6:30 I decided to get out of bed and force myself to walk. It is a nice morning, moist (from yesterday's rain) and warm. The sun is not yet up so I can see very little of the day, but I can tell that even at 6:30 I have started my walk too late to enjoy any kind of solitude in our neighborhood. Traffic is surprisingly heavy and several times I have to adjust my earbuds to hear what's on my iPhone/iPod.

Gizmo, my walking companion, has not been walked for a couple of days, either, so while he is anxious to walk, he is also too ready to return home. We have walked less than half the minimum distance I like in the morning, but we turn around anyway and return home. Sensing that the day is will become a lovely fall day in a few hours, I suspect I will be out again when it is sunny and head for a more solitary location to engage in some active steps.

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