Friday, September 26, 2008

A Cure For Melancholy

Walk Location: Red Jacket Trail, Mankato, MN
Time of Day: Morning
Temperature: 75 degrees
Skies: Clear and sunny
Steps: 8,500
iPod: Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters

Melancholy: a feeling of thoughtful sadness.
Melancholy: a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

These are two definitions of "melancholy." My wife would probably add a third definition: "my husband." I am by nature distracted by worries, anxious about the future, glum. Not always, of course, but after forty-four years I can admit this about myself. One of the ways I have discovered that my basic nature can be altered is a daily walk. Without fail I return after a walk feeling better about the world, my family, my life. I'm sure there is some biochemical transformation that takes place in the brain that is induced by exercise, but for me it is also the opening of my spirit to the world around me.

It is a gorgeous autumn day. The skies are perfectly blue, with not a single cloud, the breezes are warm and refreshing without being overpowering. The landscape is decorated with the assorted hues of late September. The fading greens of summer are giving way to the yellows, oranges, browns, tans and reds of this time of year. This view from the LeSueur River is exceptional.

The multilayered palette of color before us, Gizmo and I walked a distance enjoying the beauty of the morning. Along the way we spotted a caterpillar seeking a place to cocoon itself in for the winter months.

For farmers the corn is drying nicely in the fields awaiting the harvest to come in days from now.

And now with mood lifted and day brightened I move on to the more mundane tasks of my day off.

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