Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Suburban Day in Indianapolis

Walk Location: Indianapolis, IN
Time of Day: Late afternoon
Temperature: 78 degrees
Steps: 4,000

Claudia and I are in Indianapolis, where she is the keynote speaker for a state-wide adoption/foster care conference, so I have the opportunity to walk in a suburban area with plenty of traffic and busyness. We did not rent a car to drive for our short time here, so I simply walk in the areas near our hotel.

When I look ahead on my walk this is what I see.

Sidewalks, traffic and an occasional pedestrian. I am struck by a couple of things. I realize once again how little I enjoy being in suburbs in any metropolitan area. When I lived in the metro area years ago I felt that way, and I guess I still do. There is so little that is unique … but so much that is common to nearly all the suburbs I have ever walked in throughout the country … heavy traffic, small malls with the same kind of “feel” and few authentic or “historic” areas.

In this part of Indy there seem to be no parks. Our hotel is adjacent to several medical centers, so there are plenty of parking lots and sterile-looking buildings and very little that is memorable.

It is a lovely day, whether in the plain-jane suburbs or elsewhere in this part of the country, with sunny skies, a warm breeze and the feel of summer still in the air, so I will enjoy these weather delights even as I lament the prairies and forest walks of home.

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